Home Finance Top 10 Personal Finance Resolutions for 2019

Top 10 Personal Finance Resolutions for 2019

by Lulu Beier

If you are looking for some changes in your financial circumstances, here are the ten best personal finance resolutions to consider. Choose just one or two to accomplish in 2019 and you’ll be surprised at the difference in your life:

The Ten Best Personal Finance Resolutions for 2019

1. Save $1,000. Less than 40% of Americans have one thousand dollars in savings, but almost every successful financial wellness plan available today includes the creation of a $1,000 Emergency Fund. Finding that much money overnight might be difficult. But if you can find $83/month to put away, you’ll complete this resolution by the end of the year… and be in better financial position than 60% of the country!

2. Make one extra payment (over the course of the year) on your mortgage. One extra monthly payment per year on your mortgage shortens the length of your loan by 4-5 years. You can spread this out over the course of the year or plan now to direct an expected windfall toward it (tax refund, year-end bonus, etc.).

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