Sharing your radiology reports on one click is a very simple process when you have a safe platform. If there is a reliable internet connection, you’ll be able to do it at any time and from anywhere. As you’ll not be able to get results at your expected time after loading the images, this is a catch here.
The main reason is that the files of medical images are large. You’ll find hundreds of image slices if you take a view of a radiology report, unlike X-Rays. But, imagine how disgusting the process of sharing a CD with the patient or special was when you don’t have the Cloud service for DICOM viewer windows.
It was the matter of days to even month to send it where it should be as there was no DICOM or MRI viewer. Well, let’s know some tips to share a radiology report using a single click.
Secure Download & Viewer Links
This is not morally good enough to add a PDF with confidential health data to the outgoing email. But, it doesn’t mean that it’s not suitable to share data, reports, and images through the Internet. We support it by being a bit of bias. When you like to pay the postal charge to mail your records, it’s completely your decision.
In this issue, you also have to pay for some more things. These include paper, printer, ink, manpower, etc. However, if you’re looking for ways to go cheaper, you should get through the cloud solution. When you’re on this solution, you’ll be able to share your patient records faster and easier.
Also, it allows you to share the records directly from the worklist. It just requires you to click on the “Share” icon near the image or report that you like to share. You’ll get two different options from there. It’ll ask you if you like to share a secure ‘viewer link’ or a ‘download link’.
It’s a bit easy to understand the recipient finds to see the documents with the secure viewer link. When it comes to the download link, it can save your data. Now, let’s see from different aspects of how you can share a radiology report.
As A Physician
Well, as you’re a human treating physician, you’re likely to need FDA, or CE jurisdictions. It’ll make sure that all your patient health information has been protected. When you find the satisfaction that a supplementary security level added to your cloud platform, you’ll be able securely to send protected patient’s records using secured links.
The recipient of the links will need to get specific credentials to make sure the exact recipient finds the intended record. But, these things may vary. That’s why we usually recommend you to use the last name and date of birth of your patient.
A Veterinarian
You should go behind suit with the general practitioner as said previously about if you’re going to treat animals of high valued that need their individualities to get the protection. These may include a well-known award-winning racehorse or panda bear.