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Business Writing Tips

by Lulu Beier

Your company can require you to write presentations, proposals, memos, business requirements, reports, business letters etc. and you might as well be not prepared for that because school didn’t teach you that. Business schools do not prepare you for the business writing that you are going to have to someday in elaboration. Yet once you step out in the real world, don’t be surprised when you are handed a writing a task and there is no escaping. Fortunately, we have come up with few tips that will help you submit your briefings or any other business writing task with minimum errors.

1. Stick to the Point

Keeping your writing simple is always the right way to go. Adding in irrelevant details will only cause your readers to lose focus of the point that you are trying to make.

2. Formal Yet Plain Language

Getting a reputation of an intellectual sure sounds fun. And you might go a little too over board to achieve that professional sounding report by looking up for words that are not necessarily a part of most people’s vocabulary. Thus, try using as little jargon as you can. There is no harm in sounding professional by sounding formal, though the professional writing doesn’t always mean formal writing, but jargon will only lead your readers to overlook the main point.

3. Proofread

Don’t forget the most important step of all writing essentials; proofreading. It will be awfully embarrassing if you were caught with an unintentional typo. No one wants to be put into a situation like this. You better read your writing after every paragraph to make sure it’s free from all sorts of grammatical and spelling errors.

4. Don’t Mess With Nouns and Pronoun

In case, there are certain names that you need to mention, do a double check as to make sure you are not spelling it wrong. One wrong spelling can cause you a lot of embarrassment. You might be able to shrug it off but imagine spelling the name of your company or the name of your boss wrong. You wouldn’t want that, now would you?

5. Save For Later

If you have created a template that might come in handy later, make sure you are saving it. It will save you time and you will spared from the unnecessary amount of thinking that writing extracts from your brain.

The 5 W rule: The What, Who, Why, Where, When, and don’t forget the How. These are the 5 Ws and an H that you need to cover in your writing. Make sure you are covering every detail as what your firm expects of you. These 5 Ws will help you evaluate your writing.

6. Call to Action

After you are done writing, don’t just expect your reader to take necessary actions without you telling them. They will only find themselves hanging there not knowing what to do about it. Respectfully, call to action regarding the details that you have provided them with and only then you shall get a worthy response.

That’s it. Other than the above tips, you should also know how to use PDF compressor online free or JPG to PDF free. This will help you in sending PDF files through emails while keeping the size small.

And, if you want to search for PDF compressors, type the term ‘PDF compressor online free’. The last advice is to keep improving. That’s the recipe for success.

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