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How to Get Rid of Dog Poop Smell in Your Home?

by Lulu Beier

Learn how to clean up and eliminate the odor of dog poop in the house with these simple and effective tips. You’ll also find out why your dog may be pooping in the house and how to prevent it.

If you have a dog, you know how frustrating it can be when they poop in the house. Not only do you have to deal with the mess, but also the unpleasant smell that lingers for hours or even days. 

You may wonder how to punish dogs for pooping in house, but before you do that, you need to understand why they do it and how to stop it.

Why Do Dogs Poop in the House?

There are many possible reasons why your dog may be pooping in the house, such as:

Medical issues

Your dog may have a digestive problem, a urinary tract infection, parasites, or other health conditions that make them unable to control their bowel movements. 

If you notice any signs of illness or discomfort in your dog, take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Behavioral issues

Your dog may be pooping in the house due to stress, anxiety, fear, boredom, or lack of proper training. 

They may also be marking their territory or seeking attention. To address these issues, you need to provide your dog with enough exercise, mental stimulation, socialization, and positive reinforcement. 

You may also need to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if the problem persists.

Environmental factors

Your dog may be pooping in the house because they don’t have access to a suitable place to do their business. This could be because you don’t let them out often enough, you don’t have a fenced yard, the weather is too hot or cold, or there are distractions or dangers outside. 

To solve this problem, you need to establish a regular potty schedule for your dog and provide them with a safe and comfortable area to poop.

how to punish dogs for pooping in house
how to punish dogs for pooping in house

How to Clean Up Dog Poop in the House?

Once you have identified and addressed the root cause of your dog’s pooping behavior, you need to clean up the mess and eliminate the odor. Here are some steps to follow:

Remove the poo

Use a paper towel, a plastic bag, or a poop scooper to pick up the poop and dispose of it properly. Do not flush it down the toilet or throw it in the trash can inside your house.

Blot the stain

If the poop has left a stain on your carpet, rug, or upholstery, use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot as much of it as possible. Do not rub or scrub as this will spread the stain and push it deeper into the fibers.

Apply a cleaner

Use a pet stain and odor remover that is specially formulated for dog poop. Follow the instructions on the label and apply it generously to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes and then blot it dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Rinse and dry

If the cleaner leaves any residue or moisture on your carpet, rug, or upholstery, rinse it with cold water and blot it dry with another clean cloth or paper towel. You can also use a fan or a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.

Repeat if necessary

If the stain or odor is still visible or noticeable after one treatment, repeat steps 2-4 until it is completely gone.

How to Eliminate Dog Poop Odor in Your House?

Even if you have cleaned up the poop and removed the stain from your carpet, rug, or upholstery, you may still notice an unpleasant smell in your house. 

This is because dog poop contains bacteria and organic compounds that can linger in the air and on surfaces for a long time. To get rid of this smell, you need to:

  • Ventilate your house: Open your windows and doors and let some fresh air circulate through your house. This will help disperse the odor and bring in some natural fragrance.
  • Use an air purifier: An air purifier can filter out airborne particles and odors from your house. Choose one that has a HEPA filter and an activated carbon filter for best results.
  • Use an odor eliminator: An odor eliminator is a product that neutralizes odors instead of masking them with artificial scents. You can spray it on your carpet, rug, upholstery, curtains, furniture, bedding, or anywhere else where the smell may linger.
  • Use baking soda: Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can absorb odors from surfaces. Sprinkle some baking soda on your carpet, rug, upholstery, or other areas where the smell may be strong. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight and then vacuum it up.
  • Use vinegar: Vinegar is another natural deodorizer that can kill bacteria and odors. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water and spray it on your carpet, rug, upholstery, or other areas where the smell may be present. Let it dry and then vacuum it up.

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