Home Consumer Services Keeping Kitties Contained: Stopping Great Escapes During Stressful Moves
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Keeping Kitties Contained: Stopping Great Escapes During Stressful Moves

by Lulu Beier

Moving to a new home with pets brings double the chaos. Your feline friends especially hate disruptions to their territory. Moving to a new home with pets brings double the chaos. Your feline friends especially hate disruptions to their territory. 

Amidst the packing commotion, the front door inadvertently left open can spur a stealthy cat escape. Out they bolt at warp speed, leaving you panicked during an already hectic time. 

Don’t lose your precious cat during a move! Follow these proven tactics to safely contain kitty when loading up your household with moving services Edmonton.

Start Prepping Weeks Before Moving Day

Don’t wait until the moving trucks arrive to wrangle Fluffy. Begin acclimating your cat to their carrier several weeks prior to lock in the routine.

Feed them inside the crate and toss treats in randomly so they associate it with good things. Consider rubbing catnip on the carrier to make it more enticing. 

You want kitty comfortable hanging out in there so it’s not seen as scary come moving day.

Scout Relocation Spots in Advance

Do walkthroughs at your new place to map out cat-friendly zones away from the front door. Identify a quiet bathroom or bedroom to sequester them in with food, litter box and familiar toys when movers are actively loading. Move those key items first so their safe space is set up immediately.

properly contain all pets before opening any doors

Right before movers arrive, do a thorough pet headcount and get everyone crated or contained. No cats or dogs should have free roam access.

Check Every Nook and Cranny

Be extra diligent locating all your cats. Use treats or toys that make noise to lure hiders out from their favorite hiding spots under beds or deep inside closets. Don’t overlook anywhere they could sneak away unnoticed when doors open.

Carefully Transport Carriers to Staging Area

Have helpers usher all secured pet carriers to the designated bathroom or spare bedroom set up with food, water and litter. No need to add more bodies in the way of movers hauling furniture. Keeping kitties confined prevents them bolting out in the mayhem.

moving services Edmonton

Pay Attention During Short Trips Outside

When guiding movers or taking a quick breather outdoors, watch for escape attempts. Nervous cats tucked away may try dashing through your legs or lurking ready to pounce on an opportunity.

Guard All Access Points

Post a family member at every exterior door before opening. Brainstorm all possible escape routes like windows or the garage entry. Cover each exit point to block sneaky cat breakout schemes.

Scan the Horizon for Roaming Cats

Visually sweep the entire area before stepping away. Ensure no black streaks are visible making a beeline under a hedge or parked car where they’ll be tough to retrieve. Catching an escapee quickly is critical before they cover more ground or hide out of reach.

Transfer Cats Directly Into Vehicle

When the fully loaded moving truck pulls away, maintain custody of cats until ready to depart. Carry crated pets directly from the secure room into your own transport vehicle’s backseat.

Buckle Them In Securely

Protect carriers from tipping using moving blankets or luggage straps. You may consider purchasing a specialized seat belt harness to anchor your cat’s crate safely. This adds an extra barrier should they manage to pop open the crate door en route.

Drive Directly to New Home

No detours! Go straight to the new house to get the kitty settled ASAP. Unpack their essentials first – food, litter, familiar toys. Let them acclimate in a closed room before introducing other pets.

With preparation and vigilance, you can orchestrate a stress-free move for both you and your beloved cat. 

Just take preventative steps in securing and supervising all pets throughout the packing and loading process. Soon you’ll be happily snuggling your feline in your new cozy home together!

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