When you use the right software or app to compress your files, it’s easy to achieving and sharing. It’s true the sizes of hard drives are getting enlarged, but it also means that there is a crying need to reduce the size of your files. It’s because SDDs has a higher cost for every gigabyte than the common spinning hard disk drives.
That’s why file compression is very handy these days regardless of using a free tool to compress PDF files or a paid one. Also, it’s very useful to combine and merge files into one pdf to reduce the size if you need to send some files through email. This is the way to keep in the limit of the attached file sizes. As it’s an important issue, let’s know about some of the best compression apps.
Hamster Zip Archiver

It’s a smart file archiver that comes with some advanced features to make your compression tasks easier. Although it’s not the foremost name to compress your documents, this app has a lot of users. It’s because it has amazing format support with a great interface and all these come for free of cost. Also, it’s extremely easy to use that makes it one of the interesting programs. Even if you’re not familiar with the process of using the app then it can use effortlessly.
Along with the cloud support, it also has an easy drag and drop system to make and extract files from an archive. It means that after creating compressed files, you can upload them to Google Drive, Dropbox, and other cloud services. Also, it offers a shareable link that makes automatically. When you need to share your compressed files, you can do it as it has a sharing option.

WinZip is one of the famous names when it comes with software utilities and it still continues strongly. It’s surprising that it has reached to 21st version recently, but the name makes a feeling like some past blasting. Apart from its standard free version, it has premium versions as well. Both of them come with a great tool to compress your files. As it in due course depends on your preferences, you’ll get lots of inclusion for your investment.
Also, it supports a large range of file formats to compress and decompress. These include ZIP, RAR, ZIPX, TAR, 7z, VHD, GZIP, and XZ. You’ll be able to integrate it with your Office easily for the best results. As a bonus feature, it comes with a splitting option that helps you to divide a large file into different parts to fit them in the different media.

This is another great compressing tool that’s famous like WinZip. It has made its name for its own RAR format that provides you incredible compression levels. It’s true there are many compressing tools that can open the RAR archives, but no one is able to create this format except WinRAR.
With its paid version, it also has a free version that you can use easily. It’s not just easy to use, it also can compress the most type of file formats.